
Showing posts from August, 2017

Visit from MIT student teachers

This week Room 19 were very fortunate to have two seperate visits from MIT students who were completing a degree in teaching. They prepared fun lessons to complete with the class to do with literacy. Look at all the amazing learning that took place!

Cook Island Language Week 2017

We really enjoyed making our 'Ei Katu with Room 11 our buddy class. We took up the challenge to make it with recyclable materials. We ended up using plastic wrappers, straws and newspaper. Look at our colourful creations!

Geometry with 3D shapes

For the past two weeks the children in Room 19 have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes in maths. Today they built their own 3D shapes out of toothpick sticks and marshmallows. Look at the concentration on all their faces. It sure was hard work trying to figure out how to make it all work!

Matariki 2017

On the 25th June Matariki- the Maori new year started. We celebrated it by learning about why it is important to the Maori people and how it is celebrated. Room 19 made some Manu tukutuku (kites) and we decorated some whet u (stars) to signify the importance of the stars and the seven sisters. The class have also learnt a Matariki song that also helps them remember the names of the seven sisters and it is sung to the tune of "Twinkle, twinkle little star" Here is some photos of their hard work.

The best buddy class ever.... Room 11

This year we have the delightful students in Room 11 as our buddy class. We are very lucky to have a senior class that can help us with our learning. During buddy class time we can read to each other, share our writing and work together. Here is some pictures of our buddy class reinforcing our learning about tally marks for maths. Don't we all look so clever!

FMS skills-Term 2

In term 2 we had the pleasure of Counties Manukau Sport come into BMPS to teach us some fundamental skills. We learnt about hand and eye co-ordination and how to throw and catch the ball. The class had a fabulous time with the coach and were very eager to show off their new skills afterwards at morning tea and lunchtime. Here are some pictures of some of the different sessions we had with a round ball and an oval ball.

Our voyage to the Auckland Museum

On Thursday the 18th of May all the year 2's went to the museum to help us start our learning about voyagers. This term for learning pathways we are going to learn more about "Aotearoa- This is our land". We had an amazing day looking at all the exhibits and even had a session with the museum staff learning about myths and made some clay pots. Here is a picture of us beside on of the waka at the museum!

Art Exibition 2017 "Taniwha in the Moana"

This year Room 19 focused on using mixed media to complete their pieces of art to tie in with the BLUE theme at school. First we explored shading and blending with paint on corrugated cardboard. We wanted to create some real life like waves. Next we used pastel to draw our taniwha and coloured them in. We had to go over the outline with black indian ink to make them stand out. Next we had to cut out the waves to make it look like the real moana.  The last step was to use coloured tissue paper to collage our sun set background. Viola there you have it. Our masterpiece is now complete!