
Showing posts from September, 2017

Kia Ora Te Reo- Maori Language Week 2017

This years theme for Maori Language Week was "Kia Ora Te Reo". This translates to "Let the language live". As part of the tuakana/teina challenge for te wiki o Te Reo Maori room 11 and 19 learnt how to sing the maori waiata "E papa". The students were even clever enough to sing the waiata and do the actions correctly with the rakau sticks. Here are some pictures of the kids in actions. Ka pai to mahi tamariki!

Tongan Language Week 2017

This year Room 19 and our buddy class Room 11 were in charge of welcoming Tongan Language Week. We practised hard to learn a Tongan action song called Malimali mai as well as singing a well known Tongan song called 'E' Otua tataki au. Thank you to our proud Tongan speakers as well as Miss Peters for helping to organise such a great assembly to celebrate Tongan culture!