
Showing posts from June, 2018

FMS oval ball skills

Today Room 19 had their last session of the term with Coach Pat. They learnt about oval ball skills and had an absolute ball.

Matariki- The Maori New Year

Room 19 have been learning about Matariki and what it means. We have been reading about the different stories about the star cluster Matariki and how many different stars there are in the cluster. Recently they have added two new sisters to the cluster which means the Matariki cluster now has 9 stars. The names of the stars are  Waitī,  Waitā,  Waipuna-ā-rangi, Tupu-ā-nuku,  Tupu-ā- rangi,  Ururangi, Pōhutukawa, Hiwa-i-te-rangi, Matariki. Here is the 9 stars that Room 19 have made to help celebrate Matariki. 

Traditional tale writing about the setting

Today Room 19 looked at the different settings of the traditional tales we have read. We found out that a setting is the place where the story is set and it can change during the story. Mrs Warid put some different settings on the smart board and we brainstormed about what we saw. From there students had to come up with sentences to describe the setting in detail. Here are some of our ideas.

Samoan Language Week 2018

A couple of weeks ago BMPS celebrated Samoan Language Week. In Room 19 we looked at Samoan tapa cloth (Siapo) and how they were made with real bark from a Mulberry tree and beaten flat with a "tutua". After looking at how they were made traditionally we thought we could give it a go with paper, dye, indian ink and bleach. Here is our finished product. What do you think?

FMS football skills

Today we had an awesome football session with Coach Pat. Room 19 has a class full of football lovers and it was great to see them practise some skills that focuses on their eye and foot co-ordination. I can't wait to see them all use it at playtime and lunchtime when they are out there playing football!