
Showing posts from April, 2019

Welcome back to term 2!

Term 2 is a very busy term with a special trip planned for junior school as well as a whole school art exhibition not to mention some important school reports going home and parent interviews. Watch out term 2 Room 19 are coming to get you!

Lest we forget

"At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them." In the last week of term 1 room 19 had a special reminder about what Anzac Day was about and what it meant. They were able to look at the names of 30 men and women who have given their lives to fight for our freedom and we took a few moments to remember their bravery and courage .

Duffy Role Model Assembly

Today BMPS has some very interesting role models come into school to share with us about what it is like to work for the New Zealand Air force. They spoke about how they use their different parachutes for different operations and reminded the children why it is so important to read! What fantastic role models they were sharing their experiences with us!

Happy Birthday Que-Ray

Today Que-Ray celebrated his 7th birthday and his lovely mum and uncle brought in a delicious chocolate cake to share with Room 19. They were very spoilt and had cake for breakfast!!!

Brain food for Room 19

Room 19 has been learning about healthy eating and how you can eat brain food to make you able to concentrate and learn better for the day . Today we made toasted sandwiches with corned beef, chicken roll, ham and cheese fillings. Look at all the master chefs!

Room 19's and Room 3's whole school assembly

In week 8, Room 3 and Room 19 had the privilege of leading the first whole school assembly for 2019. We had such a fun time leading up to it and decided that we would have a 'growth mindset' theme as it is something the whole school is learning about this term. We sang, we danced and there were even a few actors and actresses in our skit. To top things off we had some lovely, confident speakers that made us proud! Here are some pictures of the kids in action on stage!