
Athletics Day 2019

Today we had our BMPS school athletics day and lucky the weather was on our side! Look at all the winners from Room 19, we sure have a fast class!

Happy last day of term!

What a end of a busy term 3. Room 19 voted to make banana splits today for their treat and had to problem solve to make a tray to hold their banana split. Safe to say no leakages happened so their contraptions were A ok!

Te wiki o Te Reo Maori 2019

During week 8 BMPS celebrated Te Wiki o Te Reo Maori. During the week Room 19 learnt some Te Reo songs and learnt the names of the colours as well as new kupu about some simple directions from the teacher. Look at our link below to see the year 2's perform at the closing assembly for Te Wiki o Te Reo Maori! Kia kaha Te Reo Maori!

Tongan Language Week 2019

Malo e lelei, this week Room 19 celebrated Tongan Language Week. The challenge this week for the classes in the school was to make Kahoa Lole (Lolly lei) and there were some amazing creations from all around the school. At the closing assembly we saw the girls perform a beautiful Tau'olunga and the boys did a strong Haka. Room 19 celebrated by doing some amazing art looking at some Tongan tapa cloths, they were able to use the symmetry they learnt from maths to draw some fantastic patterns. 'Ofa atu