
Showing posts from August, 2018

Welcome Coach Kylie!

On Wednesday we has FMS and we met Coach Kylie for the first time. She taught room 19 some FMS skills like hopping .The kids played a cool warm up game pretending to be a snake and they completed a obstacle hopping course . Look at all their happy faces!

Buddy class showtime!

Last week Room 20 and 19 were in charge of leading the whole school assembly. After weeks of practising and time spent making our bug headbands it all came together to make an unforgettable assembly. The teachers were so impressed they called for an encore for the "Ugly Bug Ball" song and dance we performed. We had two amazing speakers; Eve and Sophie that only received their script the day before our assembly and they were absolutely faultless. Well done Room 19 and Room 20 you guys rock!

Language experience with student teachers

Today 40 student teachers came into junior school to share some language experiences with us. Room 19 enjoyed having the five different student teachers in our class and they learnt about things such as making their own toothpaste, decorating their own toanga, looking at different crystals, doing a science experiment with milk and food colouring and looking at bubbles. Here are some pictures of the student teachers and kids in action.