Some writing to share...

Here is some writing that Room 19 would like to share with you about what we have learnt so far about growing seeds and plants.

To grow a plant I would need a watering can, sunlight and also space so the seeds do not fight over the sun or the rain. They need some air so it can breathe. Plants needs soil to cover the seeds and roots so it grow when it has had sun and water. After that it will grow bigger and bigger.
By Raema

Plants need water otherwise they will die. They need spoil too so they keep safe. They need sun and air. You need a seed to grow a plant. Nutrients is food for the plants and it is found in soil. Remember to pull the weeds out. Sun is light for the plants. Plants could have seeds inside them and that makes them grow, grow, grow. Some plants grow into fruits that have seeds. Plants can grow anywhere and apples and lemons grow on trees.
By Eve

Plants need to have sun and water so they can grow and grow and grow. We can out fruit skins in the flowers to feed them. You can find seeds in the shop. Plants need to have soil underneath the ground. If we didn't give it soil and water and sun it will die. My family has a garden at my house and I always water it.
By Elmaniath

I need to grow my plant. I need to water my plant and it will grow. I need to grow the seed in soil to make it grow and grow and grow. Every time I water the seed it will grow bigger and bigger.
By Atimosfia

Plants need soil and water and sunlight and air. Remember to pull the weeds out and give them nutrients from the soil otherwise your plant will die. It needs space so they can grow big.
By Sophie


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